Happiness is an inside job!
In 2022 happiness should be a lifestyle. Choosing to be happy repeatedly means choosing yourself and let me tell you one thing, self-love is the new beautiful. But how happiness works? I’ve got you covered, being here on my page is not a coincidence, as I always say, “everything happens for a reason”! I will give you few tips on how happiness can be more present in your life.
Happiness is a choice! At every moment in our life, we must take a decision, whether we realize it or not. It’s our attitude towards life, positive or negative, affects all our relationships, career, people, or anything you encounter in your life. So, anything that is too complicated or not working the way you imagined is your fault. If you are surrounded by negative people, have a job you hate and overthinking no one is responsible for that but you. If you have exactly what you wanted, doing what you love and have time for yourself is because of a choice you did at some point.
The good news is that whatever the situation is, you can change it! Happiness is possible at any time, doesn’t depend on time, money or looks. Everyone deserves to be happy!
I’ll give you some tips on how you can improve this aspect of your life, you can add this to your morning or evening routine and I’m sure after some time you will notice a shift in your life.
Let’s begin with the most challenging part that in the first 30 min after you open your eyes don’t even think to touch your phone. Get out of bed, make sure you get some sunlight, open the curtains, and go prepare yourself a tea, glass of water, coffee whatever your morning boost is. Take a sit in your favorite spot and make sure you have a journal and a pen always there. Start your day with 10 minutes of writing what you appreciate about yourself, even if you will repeat the same thing every day, trust me after some time will find more and more things that you haven’t even noticed before. After this, play your favorite song and make sure you enjoy it through every pore of your skin, maybe you are doing this while driving to the office, so you better sing it out and loud. Once you are at work try to move your focus from all the negative situations to the positive that is happening around. I’m sure that all those boring hours will just pass different. Always choose to see the good part of everything and everyone. The second part of the practice happens in the evening before you go to bed, where you make sure your phone is away and you’re back to your journal and pen. Write three blessings that happened during the day and make a list of people that you are grateful that day and mention why.
Try to integrate this in your daily routine, do this and in no time, you will realize that happiness was inside job! Gaining our balance and connecting to our authentic self is the only way to be happy!
A happy person is a beautiful person and no matter what life brings in front of them they will always choose to see the beauty in it! Cause happiness comes from inside you not outside of you!
Let’s discuss more about how to bring more happiness in your life starting yesterday! Book a free session and let me guide you through an authentic self!
Sending Good vibes and don’t forget to #stayinyourmagic!